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Progressive Conservative Party

Aishwarya Baiju

The name Progressive Conservative Party seems to be really contradictory. But as their symbol itself shows the unification, we can see a unification of a conservatism with progressiveness. That when the culture or sovereignty of people has to be preserved, they need more progressive changes for the development of the country. Under youth and the development they are giving the digital literacy as the educational reforms they have needed. But we do not know till what extend we can practice the digital literacy spreading. As we know in the covid times how digital learning went. There were several problem regarding the connections and accessibility of all to this Digital Medias. It wants to be mentioned along with how the manifesto can ensure the accessibility for all. The manifesto should ensure that the poor who cannot afford should not lack behind while some get the advantages. In the education policy or in the fair employment, the party has not mentioned the accessibility of women. As it mentioned it will be fair and equal, the party should be cautious on the security of women, a lower caste or of a LGBTQ’s. The party does not have any mention on these people itself. It seems the party is less aware about the current ongoing problems or discriminations in the society or it says they do not have a focus or view on these sections. Under the foreign policy, the party is lacking to concrete on any specifics, while the party has given a more general topics of free trade, job creation, maintaining strong defence etc. Also under the same topic they have mentioned “we will work to ensure that our military is well equipped and well trained to meet the challenges of the 21st century.” And they have more than half of a page talking about the defencing and external securing measures including cyber security, defence research development etc. where they are not interested in the internal problems or the securities. They do not have mentioned anything about the word “environment” while creating all these international trades and the protection of domestic products. As these activities all creating pressure on the environment, they have no concern how the nature can all bear this. The party manifesto focus on the main four topics including youth and education, defence, foreign policy and environment. The main point is that the party is being seen more confined to these topics only. As living in the diverse India, they could have a broader and a wider view. The problems of women, especially from rural areas or their representation or the protection of children, in say from child labor, or any of their upliftment, has no mention. As an example, according to the BMC Public Health a total of 449092 rape cases were reported in India between 2011 and 2022. Also in the Environment Performance Index of 2022, India was out of the 180 countries, which have been marked bottom 5 with a score of 18.9 only. So from the manifesto, we cannot specifically point out any accurate or precise policies introduced in the manifesto rather than a collection of topics, which covers and works for a smaller sections only


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