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People Empowering Social Transformation

Aishwarya Baiju

Their concept of establishing a National Pest Control Bureau commission on ensuring honesty and efficiency can be a good way, but we do not no till what extend it can be a success. Because they are telling a huge steps for a consideration of a single complaint which will took a minimum of months at least. And the concept of “portal generation” cannot be seen as a good as most of the people of our country are unaware about this and they do not take that time to go on these, especially who are underprivileged who need the real help. At the same time, the idea of the commission can be put as a higher authority for the purpose of checking these institution on their efficiency. It can work as a higher authority within the government itself where the people can directly approach, if they need. More of that, the manifesto should mention how they can prevent the commission from being corrupt or biased.

In case of the incentivizing corrupt informers, the government can take steps to eradicate the corruption through making the institutions more responsible. More than a fear, there should be a sense of responsibility which can be created through correct selections, awareness classes etc. But there should be some harsh measures like these also for the complete eradication.

On creating the national commission for LGBTQIA and for the protection of their rights, the manifesto is suggesting a commission. As they understood the importance of them in the society, the party has failed to corporate their representation in the society. For these people, only protection is not needed but the representation also. Their concerns and problems can be assessed and solved by themselves only. Under the health care they have mentioned “fully” privet hospitals to keep minimum bed occupancy for weaker section, and from the next line they are telling about the government run health entities which lacks a clarity on the main aim of the party is on privet or government hospitals.

In the education they have mentioned of AV (Audio Visual) enabled education through codes, it is considered to be a far more impossible thing. We have seen during the covid time how the online classes went. It is to be noted that the face to face education has a very big difference from the study from these electronic things. It can be clearly addressed with the quality of education received by the covid batch and the previous batch students. Also the physical presence of teacher is very much useless. They are not teaching the students where there itself losses a bond between the student and a teacher. The teacher is not responsible to their students and in case of the doubts itself, it is a question mark if the students get their doubts cleared or not. Because the class is taken by someone else only. Also the reach and practicality of the concept to the rural students is also a question mark.

The concept of the party to meet the MLA’s, MP’s and Corporator “weekly” is a real utopian one. This concept is good that the people and their representative can have a contact but it can be made in a more practical way through some introduced new ways which wants to be assured that all the people enjoy the right equally. And in their idea of the inspection committee, it cannot be assured how it performs. Because it is the working between an opposition and a ruling party. We are aware about the consequences when they come together in the Parliament itself or from the example of a coalition government.

So the manifesto focused on so many appointment of so many commissions and they have mentioned about the corruption, scientific and moral education, privet – public investment etc. But it clearly failed to mention about the disadvantaged groups of women, lower castes such as ST’s and SC’S or any of the environmental problems. The manifesto has no mention about the position of the party in the international forum in defence. The manifesto is confined only to the government and its duties where it lacks so many contemporary aspects and issues of the society


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