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Why do we need Women Empowerment?

Aishwarya Baiju

Women are the wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, organizer, creator, economist, disciplinarian, doctor, artist, teacher, and director of a family. The role of a woman in a society cannot be expressed in a single count, because she has as much of it. But still in India we consider the work of women as “hidden work” or “invisible labor”. The women have a lot of work on her shoulder to ensure a smooth, safe, nurtured and comfortable running of the house.

Women have a population of 662.9 million. But in one of the world’s largest democracies, according to the data of 2022 it is only 26.2 percent of women representation in the parliament. Women who constitute 49.58%, that is almost half of the world’s population are marginalized both in developing and even in developed countries. According to the records, India ranks 148 out of the 193 countries in the number of elected female representatives in the Parliament.

Women empowerment is considered as an essential part of the economy in terms of health and social development of families, communities and thereby to the development of countries. We have seen a house without a woman as messy and untidy. We can see something lacking in these houses. It is the same only for an economy, society or for a country or world also. There should be a participation of women in all parts of the sectors as with men. It is to be ensured that men and women are all gender, besides we all are individuals who are born with all the resources and capabilities.

In the journey, we should be ensured to fight the evils existing in the society including the dowry system, child marriage, sexual abuses etc. Fixing a price for the women is considered as the biggest evil in this 21st century. As these all are abolished explicitly, the practice of it is still going on in different parts of the country. Also the protection of women should be taken care of by the society as a whole. There should be safety measures in the working places, maternity leaves etc. to be provided correctly. Our society sees women as vulnerable only, but are not ready to give any special considerations also.

Education of women is one of the important things for empowerment. By that only they can get a job and become independent on their own, where they can take decisions of their own matters and also can take care of themselves. By the empowerment of women, they can bring a social change to the society, which would be a real inspiration for the women who are confined under the four walls.

Savitribai Phule who was the first women educator of India, Kalpana Chawla, Mother Teresa, Indira Gandhi, Kiran Bedi, Anna Rajam Malhotra who was the first civil servant of India and so on whose names got written and unwritten were the guiding lights for us in the journey, who came out of the barriers which they are confined in. As a man can, a woman can also do, sometimes even better too. If they can, why can't we?


Women's Representation in India's Parliament: Measuring Progress, Analysing Obstacles | ORF. (2022, November 16). Observer Research Foundation. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from Visualizing the data: Women's representation in society. (2020, February 25). UN Women. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from omens-representation



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