Cyber security is the protection of systems, networks and programs from any kind of digital attacks. As for a country, it is very important to secure all its hardware, software and all kinds of data from any types of threats. Cyber security is a kind of body developed using technologies and processes to protect their networks, data and program. In the present world, cyber security has a very big role. Our day to day economic, social, developing phenomena are all carried in the cyber world. It can be at the governmental, non-governmental or individual level. As we know, today we are so much dependent on our electronic technologies, as we note our day to day planning itself on our internet. Our lives day by day are getting more obsessed with the internet world. The act of cyber-attack can damage a country physically, financially and mentally. According to the Global Cybersecurity Index, the United States is the country with the best made infrastructural cyber security which is capable of fighting any kinds of cyber threats. This was followed by the United Kingdom, France, Canada etc. All countries defend in securing their data while some of them at the same time they try to attack their neighbouring countries. For a developing country like India, securement of its data is important. In the 2021 index, India was ranked 10 th position in terms of cyber security. India was the second most cyber-attacked country in Asia, according to the reports of 2022. It was recorded that the number of cyber-attacks in the country has increased by 24.3 percent from last year. According to the researchers, the introduction of sectors including the electrical vehicles can be the reason for the grabbing of attention to the hackers. Cyber security is one of the important component which wants to be taken care of by all the countries across the globe. Because losing essential information cannot end in financial loss but also in a security crisis also. The data of the defence, that is of the armies, their strategies cannot be gone out of the country. It can create the life of each and everyone in danger. By securing the data of the government, any country can destroy one full country.
Global Cybersecurity Index 2020. (n.d.). ITU. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from Petrosyan, A. (2022, August 23). Top countries GCI cyber security ranking 2020. Statista. Retrieved April 1, 2023, from